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Harpsichord Works
Girolamo Frescobaldi

Richard Egarr

Harpsichord Works

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Globe
UPC: 8711525505605
Catnr: GLO 5056
Release date: 19 August 2002
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Catalogue number
GLO 5056
Release date
19 August 2002

About the album

Richard Egarr was born in Lincoln (England) in 1963. His musical training began as a chorister at York Minster, and at the age of 13 he was accepted to study piano and organ at Chetham's School of Music in Manchester. At 16, he gained his organ diploma with prizes, and became Organ-scholar at Manchester Cathedral. In 1982, he was awarded a place to read music, and the Organ-scholarship, at Clare College, Cambridge. It was during his time there that he began playing the harpsichord, and afler taking his Mus. B. degree in 1986, spent a year studying with David Roblou at the Guildhall School of Music in London. The following year, with the award of a Dutch Government Scholarship, he studied with Gustav Leonhardt in Amsterdam. In 1988, he took top prize in the International C.P.E. Bach Fortepiano-Clavichord-Harpsichord Competition in Hamburg. Richard Egarr has worked extensively throughout Europe in the major music festivals, both as a soloist and continuo player. He appears regularly with his own ensemble (formed whilst at University) The Cambridge Musick, and also with artists such as Mux van Egmond, Anner Bijlsma, Kate Bott, Philip Pickett and the New London Consort. He is also the harpsichordist with London Baroque.
De mooiste werken van Frescobaldi uitgevoerd op het perfecte instrument
Dit album bevat een krachtige selectie van Girolamo Frescobaldi’s allermooiste werken voor klavecimbel solo, die tot nu toe nauwelijks worden opgenomen. Ze worden uitgevoerd door Richard Egarr, die zich onder begeleiding van niemand minder dan Gustav Leonhardt specialiseerde in de uitvoeringspraktijk van de muziek uit de vroege Barok. Leonhardt raadde hem zelfs persoonlijk aan bij het label dat de opnames voor dit album heeft gemaakt. Het Venetiaanse klavecimbel uit de late 16e eeuw dat voor deze opnames werd gebruikt is afkomstig uit de wereldberoemde collectie van de Italiaanse Pino Accardi. Het instrument heeft precies de juiste klank en kleur voor de werken van Frescobaldi, omdat de meeste van hen dateren uit het begin van de 17e eeuw. Deze opnames zullen een nieuwe norm stellen voor de uitvoeringen van de werken van de Italiaanse componist!

Richard Egarr werd in 1963 geboren in Lincoln, Engeland. Op 13-jarige leeftijd begon hij piano en orgel te studeren aan Chetham’s School of Music in Manchester. Rond 1982 begon hij klavecimbel te spelen. Egarr treedt als solist en continuospeler op door heel Europa, samen met musici en ensembles als Marie Leonhardt, Max van Egmond, Emma Kirkby, The New London Consort en London Baroque.



Girolamo Frescobaldi

Girolamo Frescobaldi was an Italian composer and organist of the Renaissance and Early Baroque. In 1608 he was named organist of the St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, after he visitied the Southern Netherlands in 1607-1608, in particular Brussels and Antwerp. From 1628 to 1933, he worked for the court of Ferdinand II of Tuscany, after which he resided back in Rome.  His most popular work is his Fiori Musicali (1635), which is a collection of largely liturgical organ compositions to perform during mass. Johann Sebastian Bach owned a self-transcribed copy of this collection. Furthermore, Frescobaldi composed ricercars, canzones, toccatas (both for organ and harpsichord), four-part fantasies, madrigals, motets, and two masses for two four-voiced choirs and B.C.  Frescobaldi's influence on keyboard music has been substantial....

Girolamo Frescobaldi was an Italian composer and organist of the Renaissance and Early Baroque. In 1608 he was named organist of the St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, after he visitied the Southern Netherlands in 1607-1608, in particular Brussels and Antwerp. From 1628 to 1933, he worked for the court of Ferdinand II of Tuscany, after which he resided back in Rome.

His most popular work is his Fiori Musicali (1635), which is a collection of largely liturgical organ compositions to perform during mass. Johann Sebastian Bach owned a self-transcribed copy of this collection. Furthermore, Frescobaldi composed ricercars, canzones, toccatas (both for organ and harpsichord), four-part fantasies, madrigals, motets, and two masses for two four-voiced choirs and B.C.

Frescobaldi's influence on keyboard music has been substantial. This was realised by his many publications (which were under his published under his own supervision) as well as the many young musicians he trained. The most important of which of composer Johann Jakob Froberger, who eventually became the organist at the court of the Emperor in Vienna.



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