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Mendelssohn: The String Quartets
Felix Mendelssohn

Raphael Quartet

Mendelssohn: The String Quartets

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Globe
UPC: 8711525501300
Catnr: GLO 5013
Release date: 19 August 2002
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Catalogue number
GLO 5013
Release date
19 August 2002

About the album

Mendelssohns beste strijkkwartet, plus de eerste opname van zijn Four Pieces
Als componist van kamermuziek maakt Mendelssohn onbetwiste aanspraak op grootsheid en zijn Strijkkwartet Opus 44 No. 2 wordt over het algemeen beschouwd als zijn beste werk in dit genre.

Ook al wijzen de Four Pieces for String Quartet Opus 81 op een compleet strijkkwartet, de eerste twee delen zijn gecomponeerd in Mendelssohns sterfjaar, 1847, en de twee andere delen zijn afkomstig uit een eerdere periode. Het voortreffelijke Raphael Quartet waren de eersten die deze bijzondere muziek opnamen.

In de zomer van 1981 kwamen vier strijkers uit verschillende Nederlandse orkesten bijeen om een strijkkwartet te vormen, dat ze vernoemden naar Rafaello, de grootse Italiaanse beeldhouwer, schilder en architect. In 1983 werd het Raphael Quartet een officieel ensemble van de Nederlandse radio-omroep, en maakte het zijn debuut in het Concertgebouw in Amsterdam. Het repertoire van het Raphael Quartet omvat stijlen en perioden van Haydn tot Sjostakovitsj. De vele uitnodigingen voor internationale concerten hebben geleid tot een groeiende reputatie onder de critici.



Felix Mendelssohn

Jakob Ludwig Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy born and widely known as Felix Mendelssohn, was a German composer, pianist, organist and conductor of the early Romantic period. Mendelssohn is often compared to Mozart. Both of them were child prodigies, both had a talented sister and they both died at a young age. Mendelssohn, who as a child also painted wrote poetry, was born in small family which converted to christianity from judaism. As a composer he preferred looking back, rather than forward: his main examples were Bach, Handel and Mozart. It was Mendelssohn who retrieved Bach from oblivion and pushed for a revival of his music, which still lasts today. One century after its premier, Mendelsson performed the St Matthew Passion for the second...

Jakob Ludwig Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy born and widely known as Felix Mendelssohn, was a German composer, pianist, organist and conductor of the early Romantic period.

Mendelssohn is often compared to Mozart. Both of them were child prodigies, both had a talented sister and they both died at a young age. Mendelssohn, who as a child also painted wrote poetry, was born in small family which converted to christianity from judaism. As a composer he preferred looking back, rather than forward: his main examples were Bach, Handel and Mozart. It was Mendelssohn who retrieved Bach from oblivion and pushed for a revival of his music, which still lasts today. One century after its premier, Mendelsson performed the St Matthew Passion for the second time ever, in 1829.

Three years, earlier, on his 17th, he had already composed his masterfully overture A midsummer night's dream op. 21, based on Shakespeare's play. Today, it is still considered as one of the absolute masterpieces in all of the orchestra reperoire. His Violin Concerto op. 64 belongs to the most beautiful works of the 19th century as well. During his travels through Europe, he wrote his brilliant Italian Symphony, Scottish Symphony and the overture The Hebrides.

Although Mendelssohn had a prosperous career, his weak physique made him emotionally vulnerable. The death of his favourite sister Fanny became fatal: Mendelssohn died in the same year, at the age of 38.



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