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Various composers

Peter Masseurs


Price: € 20.95
Format: SACD
Label: Turtle Records
UPC: 0608917553727
Catnr: TR 75537
Release date: 29 October 2010
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€ 20.95
Turtle Records
Catalogue number
TR 75537
Release date
29 October 2010

About the album

It has always been my fondest dream to record the Second Sonatine by André Jolivet on CD once again but then with a trio. It definitely gives it a well-defined swing and in my view, this does the piece much greater justice. The two bridging pieces, Sonatine by Bohuslav Martinu and Legend by Georges Enescu, are well-known pieces from the repertoire for trumpet and piano.
The viola solo is a tribute to Pieter van Moergastel. It creates a lovely tranquillity on this CD. To my knowledge, the Duet for Viola and Trumpet by Jan Koetsier has never before been released on CD. Blending with the viola is a challenge. I was once honoured to perform the Sonatine by Jean Françaix with the composer himself, for which I am grateful and for which I give him this tribute.
And then, at the end a little surprise!? (from the linernotes of 'Legend- Peter Masseurs' by Peter Masseurs)

Peter grew up in a parish house in Halsteren, the Netherlands, not far from the Belgian border and Antwerpen. This is where his best memories lie, and they are clearly the basis for his further life. During these years he saw a film that made a huge impression on him because the background was played by Miles Davis. The result: in that parish house, Peter would spend hours with his trumpet in a large room with great acoustics. And preferably with the window open – often a neighbour would be sitting on a bench somewhere and enjoying the music too.

His urge to improvise gave way in the past to his enormous devotion to the orchestra and to his many solo performances there. Now that he is sixtyfive, he must let go of this dedication with pain in his heart. It means the loss of a familiar structure, of the concert stage, where his sound left such a strong mark, both in the orchestra and solo. It is no easy matter to let go of the concert stage when you have played such an important role on it. Now and then a memory of that time of improvisation floats to the surface. The freedom of your own time, the freedom of your own timing; in short, freedom.I know few people so intense and with such a strong constitution as Peter Masseurs. He has my deepest respect and, I am certain, that of many others with me. We hope to encounter him again on many concert stages! (from the linernotes of 'Legend- Peter Masseurs' written by Edith van Moergastel)

Impressionisme op het randje van jazz
Dit album van de legendarische trompettist Peter Masseurs bevat werken van André Jolivet, Bohuslav Martinu, Jan Koetsier en Jean Françaix. Het was een grote droom van Masseurs om dit album te maken dat hij samen met vrienden deed, nu hij met pensioen is. Een prachtige ode aan zijn helden.

De Tweede Sonatine van André Jolivet is door Masseurs nogmaals opgenomen, maar dit keer met een trio, wat volgens hem het stuk meer recht toe doet. De twee overbruggende stukken Sonatine van Bohuslav Martinu en Legend van Georges Enescu zijn zeer bekende werken voor trompet en piano. De altviool solo op het album is een eerbetoon aan Pieter van Moergastel en zorgt voor een mooie rust tussen de werken in. Het Duet voor Altviool en Trompet, Duo Giocoso, van Jan Koetsier zou nog niet eerder zijn uitgebracht en is dus een première op dit album. Deze verzameling bevat zo'n mooie mix van verschillende sferen; impressionisme op het randje van jazz.

Peter Masseurs was zelf een legende in de orkestwereld. Vanaf 1969 was hij lid van het Rotterdamse Filharmonisch Orkest. Masseurs was daarnaast solotrompettist bij het Koninklijke Concertgebouw Orkest, tot aan zijn pensioen. Ook na zijn pensioen gaat Masseurs verder met muziek maken met zijn vrienden en het resultaat daarvan is dit buitengewone album.

Peter Masseurs war selbst eine Legende in der Orchesterwelt. Von 1969 war er Mitglied der Rotterdamer Philharmoniker, aber Bernard Haitink und das Concertgebouw Orchester wollten ihn unbedingt in Amsterdam haben. Jetzt hat er mit 65 das Pensionsalter erreicht und seine Karriere im ber�hmten Orchester ist zu Ende. Aber er setzt sich nicht ganz zur Ruhe. Masseurs musiziert weiter mit seinen Freunden. Das Ergebnis ist diese au�ergew�hnliche CD!


Peter Masseurs

Peter Masseurs studied at the Academy of Music in Antwerp and entered the Royal Marines Navy Band before finishing his study. After his six year contract, he became trumpet solo of the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra. He was a frequent soloist with the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra and was member of the Netherlands brass ensemble besides the ‘regular’ concert programmes of the Orchestra. Peter was invited to be solo trumpeter of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra and appeared with this orchestra, as well as several others in the Netherlands, frequently as soloist. And last but not least, he has been a member of the Netherlands Wind Ensemble, Schönberg - ASKO Ensemble, Viotta Ensemble and the Ebony band. (source:
Peter Masseurs studied at the Academy of Music in Antwerp and entered the Royal Marines Navy Band before finishing his study. After his six year contract, he became trumpet solo of the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra. He was a frequent soloist with the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra and was member of the Netherlands brass ensemble besides the ‘regular’ concert programmes of the Orchestra. Peter was invited to be solo trumpeter of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra and appeared with this orchestra, as well as several others in the Netherlands, frequently as soloist. And last but not least, he has been a member of the Netherlands Wind Ensemble, Schönberg - ASKO Ensemble, Viotta Ensemble and the Ebony band.



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