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Opera Omnia VIII, Organ Works III
Dieterich Buxtehude

Ton Koopman

Opera Omnia VIII, Organ Works III

Price: € 12.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Classics
UPC: 0608917224726
Catnr: CC 72247
Release date: 05 September 2008
1 CD
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€ 12.95
Challenge Classics
Catalogue number
CC 72247
Release date
05 September 2008

About the album

Dieterich Buxtehude’s organ works are his most significant contribution to the history of music. They consist of a comprehensive corpus of just 90 compositions, of which more than half are chorale settings. However, these are mostly shorter than the preludes, toccatas and other freely conceived pieces, so these last represent a more substantial share of his entire output.

Five different types of pieces are included among the works collected in this CD, all representing distinct genres of improvisatory styles that make up the broad spectrum of the daily practice of organists in Lutheran Germany, whether designed as functional music for worship services, for presenting them in recitals, or for purposes of compositional study.

Dieterich Buxtehude (Dietrich, Diderich) was a German-Danish organist and a highly regarded composer of the baroque period. His organ works comprise a central part of the standard organ repertoire and are frequently performed at recitals and church services. He wrote in a wide variety of vocal and instrumental idioms, and his style strongly influenced many composers, including Johann Sebastian Bach. Organist at the Marienkirche in Lübeck for most of his life, Buxtehude is considered today to be the leading German composer in the time between Schütz and Bach.

None of the original instruments played by Buxtehude as organist in Helsingborg, Helsingør, and Lübeck have survived. The Schnitger organ of Hamburg’s Jacobi Church of 1689-93 actually represents an instrument that Buxtehude would surely have known, for he travelled frequently to Lübeck’s sister city.

Schnitger Organ (1693), St. Jacobi Kirche, Hamburg (D)
Virtuoos en persoonlijk, zo bespeelt Ton Koopman het grootste bewaard gebleven barokorgel in Europa
De orgelwerken in deel VIII van Opera Omnia bestaan uit diverse muziekgenres van Dieterich (Dietrich, Diderich) Buxtehude. Ton Koopman speelt ze op zijn zeer persoonlijke en inspirerende wijze. De stukken vertegenwoordigen een breed scala aan improvisatiestijlen. De stijl die de organisten in het protestantse deel van Duitsland toen speelden. Of het nu ging om muziek voor kerkdiensten, concerten of studiedoeleinden. Voor een historisch verantwoorde aanpak van zijn orgelconcerten, koos Koopman de instrumenten met zorg uit. Voor dit 3e deel in de reeks orgelwerken van Buxtehude, speelt hij op het grootste bewaard gebleven barokorgel van Noord Europa: het Schnitger orgel (1693) van de St. Jacobi kerk in Hamburg, Duitsland. Buxtehude reisde regelmatig naar deze stad en heeft dit orgel dan ook zeker gekend.

Buxtehude was een Deens-Duitse organist en door velen bewonderde componist uit de barokperiode. Hij componeerde vocale en instrumentale muziek. Zijn orgelwerken omvatten een aanzienlijk deel van het standaard orgelrepertoire van onze hedendaagse kerkdiensten. Buxtehude wordt beschouwd als de belangrijkste Duitse componist in de periode tussen Heinrich Schütz en Bach. Zijn stijl heeft veel componisten sterk beïnvloed. Hij was één van de grote voorbeelden van Johann Sebastian Bach. Het verhaal gaat dat Bach, toen 20 jaar, in 1705 helemaal naar Lübeck liep - 400 km - om Dieterich Buxtehude daar in de Marienkirche te horen spelen.

Wellicht dat die anekdote Ton Koopman inspireerde tot zijn project Opera Omnia om het gehele bewaard gebleven oeuvre van Buxtehude uit te voeren en op te nemen. Er was hem veel aan gelegen Buxtehude als het brein achter de vocale muziek van Bach te erkennen. Koopman is een van de meest vooraanstaande uitvoerders van oude muziek en voorzittter van het Internationale Buxtehude Gesellschaft.

Die Werke der vorliegenden CD repräsentieren fünf verschiedene Stücktypen. Alle gehören unterschiedlichen Gattungen des improvisatorischen Stils an, dessen breites Spektrum zum täglich Brot der Organisten im protestantischen Teil Deutschlands gehörte und zwar sowohl als gottesdienstliche Gebrauchsmusik, wie auch als Konzertmusik und Studienmusik im Unterricht.


Ton Koopman (organ)

Ton Koopman is a leading figure in Early Music and historically informed performance practice. As organist and harpsichordist Ton Koopman has performed all over the world and played the most beautiful historical instruments of Europe. His Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir has gained worldwide fame as one of the best ensembles on period instruments. Between 1994 and 2004 Ton Koopman and ABO&C have recorded all sacred and secular cantatas by Johann Sebastian Bach, an extraordinary project that earned international acclaim. After that Koopman recorded the complete works by Bach’s predecessor, Dieterich Buxtehude. Besides performing as a soloist and with his ABO&C, Ton Koopman is very active as a guest conductor for modern orchestras and also devotes part of his time...
Ton Koopman is a leading figure in Early Music and historically informed performance practice. As organist and harpsichordist Ton Koopman has performed all over the world and played the most beautiful historical instruments of Europe. His Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir has gained worldwide fame as one of the best ensembles on period instruments. Between 1994 and 2004 Ton Koopman and ABO&C have recorded all sacred and secular cantatas by Johann Sebastian Bach, an extraordinary project that earned international acclaim. After that Koopman recorded the complete works by Bach’s predecessor, Dieterich Buxtehude. Besides performing as a soloist and with his ABO&C, Ton Koopman is very active as a guest conductor for modern orchestras and also devotes part of his time to teaching. Ton Koopman is president of the International Dieterich Buxtehude Society and, since 2019, president of the Leipzig Bach Archiv.



Dieterich Buxtehude

Among the general public, Dieterich Buxtehude is mostly known due to the admiration Johann Sebastian Bach had for his organ and composing skills, for which Bach traveled to the North German city of Lübeck to stay with him for four months, no less. This says quite something about the quality of Buxtehude's performance, but even more so about the influence it had on Bach and all composers after him. Yet, nowadays Buxtehude's music does not need Bach to survive, as a matter of fact it is extraordinarily beautiful just by itself! Buxtehude was originally Danish, but he spent most of him life in Lübeck. His so-called 'Abendmusik', which was a series of evening concerts outside of the liturgy, grew famous. In...

Among the general public, Dieterich Buxtehude is mostly known due to the admiration Johann Sebastian Bach had for his organ and composing skills, for which Bach traveled to the North German city of Lübeck to stay with him for four months, no less. This says quite something about the quality of Buxtehude's performance, but even more so about the influence it had on Bach and all composers after him. Yet, nowadays Buxtehude's music does not need Bach to survive, as a matter of fact it is extraordinarily beautiful just by itself! Buxtehude was originally Danish, but he spent most of him life in Lübeck. His so-called 'Abendmusik', which was a series of evening concerts outside of the liturgy, grew famous. In the works he wrote for these occasions, his enormous fantasy and creative freedom truly shows. As an organ player, Buxtehude was widely famous. If you would listen to his Organ Preludes, you would quickly know why. Buxtehude manages to combine an unprecedented virtuosity with a large variety of styles and techniques. No wonder Bach traveled all that way to see him!



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Often bought together with..

Dieterich Buxtehude
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Dieterich Buxtehude
Opera Omnia VII - Vocal Works III
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Opera Omnia VI, Harpsichord works II
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