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Sonaten aus Dresden
Various composers

Musica Antiqua Köln

Sonaten aus Dresden

Price: € 12.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Classics
UPC: 0608917203226
Catnr: CC 72032
Release date: 01 January 2001
1 CD
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€ 12.95
Challenge Classics
Catalogue number
CC 72032
Release date
01 January 2001

About the album

Dresden’s image as the fosterer of a musical golden age during the 18th century is assured, today more than ever, thanks to the almost perfect preservation of the music of that period. So far as the 17th century is concerned, however, the picture is much bleaker: the bombardment of the town by Friedrich II of Brandenburg- Prussia (during the Seven Years’ War in 1760), destroyed not only the residence of Johann Adolf Hasse (whom Friedrich admired passionately), along with the engravings for the planned complete edition of his works by the Leipzig publisher Breitkopf, but also the archive in which a selection of the music of the court chapel was stored. Heinrich Schütz’s opera Dafne, his reworking of Monteverdi’s Il combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda, together with all Schütz’s unpublished occasional works and those of his contemporaries and successors, were consumednby flames. Only manuscripts which happened to be absent from the archive or which had been copied prior to 9 being sent to other music-loving courts have not irrevocably lost.

The largest remnants of the Dresden repertory are undoubtedly those preserved in Uppsala, Sweden: here, after 1650, the musicians Andreas and Gustav Düben compiled a collection that was in keeping with the imperial claims of the Swedish crown; the manuscript part of the collection preserves works by composers from Rome, Venice, Vienna, Dresden and Lübeck, almost all of them unica. The survival of these works in Sweden is mainly due to the fact that the Swedes were eagerly embroiled in every European war until 1720 (the death of Charles XII), but no one thought of giving the Swedes a taste of their own medicine in their own country.

Stukken uit de muzikale gouden eeuw
Dresden heeft haar imago als ‘de moeder van een muzikale gouden eeuw’ gedurende de 18e eeuw te danken aan de goed bewaarde muziek uit deze periode. Helaas is dit niet van toepassing op de muziek van Dresden uit de 17e eeuw: veel van deze muziek is in vlammen opgegaan tijdens een bombardement op de stad. Hierbij zijn de opera Dafne van Heinrich Schütz, zijn bewerking van Il Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorina en zijn ongepubliceerde werken, tezamen met de werken van zijn tijdgenoten en opvolgers, verloren gegaan.

De meeste restanten van het repertoire uit Dresden worden bewaard in Uppsala, Zweden. De muzikanten Andreas en Gustav Düben stelden na 1650 een collectie samen die in overeenstemming was met de keizerlijke eisen van de Zweedse kroon. Deze collectie omvat werken van componisten uit Rome, Venetië, Wenen, Dresden en Lübeck.

Een aantal werken van dit bewaarde repertoire wordt op dit album gebracht door Musica Antiqua Köln, onder leiding van Reinhard Goebel. Het ensemble staat bekend om zijn levendige uitvoeringen van 17e en 18e-eeuwse muziek. In 1973 richtte Goebel Musica Antiqua op, samen met een aantal medestudenten van het Keulse Conservatorium. Het ensemble heeft zich vanaf het begin gericht op het uitvoeren van kamer- en kerkmuziek uit de barok.


Musica Antiqua Köln

For now 25 years, Musica Antiqua Köln and Reinhard Goebel have been associated with virtually every important musical centre and festival at which early music is performed. The ensemble is renowned for their lively interpretations of 17th- and 18th-century works and for their virtuoso and imaginative historical performance practice. Founded in 1973 by Reinhard Goebel and fellow students from the Cologne Conservatory, Musica Antiqua  Köln initially devoted itself to the performance of Baroque chamber and sacred music. Musica Antiqua Köln’s international breakthrough came in 1979, when the ensemble made its debut at London’s Queen Elizabeth Hall during the annual English Bach Festival and gave five concerts at the Holland Festival. On the occasion of their 10th anniversary, Reinhard Goebel augmented the ensemble’s...
For now 25 years, Musica Antiqua Köln and Reinhard Goebel have been associated with virtually every important musical centre and festival at which early music is performed. The ensemble is renowned for their lively interpretations of 17th- and 18th-century works and for their virtuoso and imaginative historical performance practice.
Founded in 1973 by Reinhard Goebel and fellow students from the Cologne Conservatory, Musica Antiqua Köln initially devoted itself to the performance of Baroque chamber and sacred music. Musica Antiqua Köln’s international breakthrough came in 1979, when the ensemble made its debut at London’s Queen Elizabeth Hall during the annual English Bach Festival and gave five concerts at the Holland Festival. On the occasion of their 10th anniversary, Reinhard Goebel augmented the ensemble’s chamber-group nucleus with additional string and wind players to allow the performance of orchestral music as well - both in the concert hall and in the recording studio. Since 1981, Musica Antiqua Köln and Reinhard Goebel have made regular tours of the USA, visiting Australia and South America several times and touring China in The Bach Year 1985. Musica Antiqua Köln received the Buxtehude Prize from the City of Lübeck and has also received awards from Siemens and the State of Nordrhein-Westfalen. In 1981 the ensemble was named Artist of the Year by the Deutsche Phonoakademie.
Reinhard Goebel was born in Siegen (Westfalen) in 1952. After leaving school, he took up his studies at the Cologne Conservatory with Franzjosef Maier, then with Saschko Gawriloff at the Folkwangschule in Essen, followed by an intensive course of study with Eduard Melkus and several years under the guidance of Marie Leonhardt. In addition, Reinhard Goebel studied musicology for several years at Cologne University. It was here that he laid the foundations of his immense knowledge of early music, a knowledge that is amply reflected in his ensemble’s concerts and recordings. In the meantime, Reinhard Goebel and Musica Antiqua Köln have played an unprecedented role in increasing general awareness and knowledge of Baroque music.
For their recordings Musica Antiqua Köln and Reinhard Goebel have received many prizes, a.o. the Deutscher Schallplattenpreis 1981, Grand Prix International du Disque 1987, Grand Prix National du Disque 1984, Gramophone Award 1984, and CD Compact Award 1990.


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