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Complete Bach Cantatas Vol. 3
Johann Sebastian Bach

Ton Koopman / The Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir

Complete Bach Cantatas Vol. 3

Price: € 14.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Classics
UPC: 0608917220322
Catnr: CC 72203
Release date: 15 July 2003
CD (3 items)
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€ 14.95
Challenge Classics
Catalogue number
CC 72203
Release date
15 July 2003

About the album

The third volume of our complete recording of Bach's cantatas comprises works drawn from three different categories. First comes a group of seven sacred cantatas from the years 1714-17, the majority of which were written for the Weimar Schloßkirche. Taken together with the cantatas contained in Volumes 1 and 2,these seven works - Cantatas 54,63,155, 161,162,163 and 165 - form the group of 23 sacred cantatas that have survived complete from the years leading up to the end of Bach's term of office as Konzertmeister to the Weimar court in 1717. The second category comprises Cantatas 22 and 23, the two works with which the composer - now Kapellmeister to the court of Cöthen - auditioned for the post of Thomaskantor in Leipzig in the spring of 1723 and which thus form the starting-point of the extended series of sacred cantatas that will be launched with Volume 6. The third and final category is made up of a single work, the hunting cantata BWV 208, which was written for a quest performance at the Weißenfels court in 1713. Like Cantatas 203 and 524 included in Volume 2, Cantata 208 is numbered among the secular works from Bach's pre-Leipzig period.
Deel 3 uit de serie Bach Cantates opgenomen door Ton Koopman
Tussen 1994 en 2004 nam dirigent Ton Koopman de enorme taak op zich om alle cantates, gecomponeerd door Johann Sebastian Bach, op te nemen met zijn Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir. Tijdens zijn leven schreef Bach vermoedelijk 295 cantates, waarvan er 202 bewaard zijn gebleven. Het overgrote deel van deze cantates kwam tot stand in de jaren 1723-1725 toen Bach in Leipzig verbleef. Althans volgens biograaf Christoph Wolff, met wie Ton Koopman samenwerkte aan het enorme Bach-project.

Bach schreef de meeste cantates als muzikale omlijsting van de zondagse kerkdienst. De cantates sloten inhoudelijk aan bij de lezingen en de preek van die zondag of kerkelijke feestdag. Het was dus functionele gebruiksmuziek, maar van een hoog muzikaal niveau. Vaak beginnen de cantates met een uitgebreid openingskoor, gevolgd door enkele aria's en recitatieven (vertellende stukken, zonder tekstherhalingen).

Koopman heeft, zoals gezegd, alle bewaarde 202 cantates opgenomen. Deze verzameling is onderverdeeld in 22 delen. Musicologen verdelen Bach's enorme cantateproductie over 5 cantatejaargangen. Een cantatejaargang of cantate-jaarcyclus bestaat uit een groep van bij elkaar horende cantates, geschreven voor de kerkdiensten van één kerkelijk jaar.

De muziek in dit 3e deel is onderverdeeld in 3 verschillende categorieën. De 1e categorie bestaat uit, bewaard gebleven, kerkelijke cantates uit de jaren 1714-1717, waarvan het merendeel geschreven is voor de Weimar Schloßkirche. In de tijd dat Bach in dienst was als concertmeester aan het hof van Weimar. De 2e categorie bevat 2 werken waarmee Bach, toentertijd kapelmeester aan het hof van Köthen, in het voorjaar van 1723, solliciteerde naar de post van Thomascantor in Leipzig. Ze vormen dan ook het startpunt van de uitgebreide serie kerkelijke cantates uit Bach's jaren in Leipzig, opgenomen in Deel 6 van Koopman's verzameling. De 3e en laatste categorie behoort tot afzonderlijke wereldlijke werken, uit Bach's tijd vóór Leipzig. De jachtcantate BWV 208 schreef Bach in 1713 voor een optreden aan het hof van Weißenfels.


Ton Koopman (conductor)

Ton Koopman is a leading figure in Early Music and historically informed performance practice. As organist and harpsichordist Ton Koopman has performed all over the world and played the most beautiful historical instruments of Europe. His Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir has gained worldwide fame as one of the best ensembles on period instruments. Between 1994 and 2004 Ton Koopman and ABO&C have recorded all sacred and secular cantatas by Johann Sebastian Bach, an extraordinary project that earned international acclaim. After that Koopman recorded the complete works by Bach’s predecessor, Dieterich Buxtehude. Besides performing as a soloist and with his ABO&C, Ton Koopman is very active as a guest conductor for modern orchestras and also devotes part of his time...
Ton Koopman is a leading figure in Early Music and historically informed performance practice. As organist and harpsichordist Ton Koopman has performed all over the world and played the most beautiful historical instruments of Europe. His Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir has gained worldwide fame as one of the best ensembles on period instruments. Between 1994 and 2004 Ton Koopman and ABO&C have recorded all sacred and secular cantatas by Johann Sebastian Bach, an extraordinary project that earned international acclaim. After that Koopman recorded the complete works by Bach’s predecessor, Dieterich Buxtehude. Besides performing as a soloist and with his ABO&C, Ton Koopman is very active as a guest conductor for modern orchestras and also devotes part of his time to teaching. Ton Koopman is president of the International Dieterich Buxtehude Society and, since 2019, president of the Leipzig Bach Archiv.


Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir

Ton Koopman founded the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra in 1979. The group consists of internationally renowned baroque specialists who meet up several times a year and work together to prepare and perform new exciting programmes. For the musicians each concert is a new experience and Koopman's boundless energy and enthusiasm are a sure guarantee of the highest quality. The Amsterdam Baroque Choir was founded in 1992 and it made its debut during the Holland Festival of Early Music in Utrecht performing the world première of the Requiem (for 15 voices) and Vespers (for 32 voices) by H.I.F. Biber. The recording of both of these works won the Cannes Classical Award for the best performance of 17th/18th century choral music. For its rare...
Ton Koopman founded the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra in 1979. The group consists of internationally renowned baroque specialists who meet up several times a year and work together to prepare and perform new exciting programmes. For the musicians each concert is a new experience and Koopman's boundless energy and enthusiasm are a sure guarantee of the highest quality.
The Amsterdam Baroque Choir was founded in 1992 and it made its debut during the Holland Festival of Early Music in Utrecht performing the world première of the Requiem (for 15 voices) and Vespers (for 32 voices) by H.I.F. Biber. The recording of both of these works won the Cannes Classical Award for the best performance of 17th/18th century choral music. For its rare combination of textural clarity and interpretative flexibility, the Amsterdam Baroque Choir is considered among today’s most outstanding choirs. In 1994 Ton Koopman and the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir embarked upon the most ambitious recording project of the last decades: the integral recording of Bach’s secular and sacred cantatas. For this extraordinary project Koopman and his ensemble received the Deutsche Schallplatten-Preis Echo Klassik. Next to the CD recordings three books have been edited and published by Ton Koopman and the musicologist Christoph Wolff and a series of six documentaries was produced and broadcasted by various TV stations.
Alongside Bach’s music the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir has recorded all major baroque and classical works. Major recognitions include the Gramophone Award, Diapason d'Or, 10-Repertoire, Stern des Monats-Fono Forum, the Prix Hector Berlioz and two Edison Awards. In 2008 the ensemble and Ton Koopman have been honoured with the prestigious BBC Award. Since March 2003 “Antoine Marchand”, a new sub-label of Challenge Classics, took over the release of Koopman’s new recordings and among many others has published 22 CD boxes of the Bach Cantatas, a new recording of the St. Matthew Passion (on CD and DVD) and St. Markus Passion of J.S. Bach (DVD), live recorded in Milan, as well as the first seven volumes of the Buxtehude Opera-Omnia Edition. Ton Koopman and the ABO & ABC are regular guests at the major concert halls of Europe, the USA and Japan. In the 2008/09 season they will tour extensively in Europe (Amsterdam, Paris, Madrid, Vienna, Milan, Cologne, Dresden, Düsseldorf etc) and in Far East with concerts in Hong Kong, Seoul and Tokyo.

Paul Agnew

The Scottish tenor, Paul Agnew, read music as a Choral Scholar at Magdalen College, Oxford. After earning his degree, he became associated with the Consort of Musicke, and remained a member of this wonderful early music ensemble for many productive years. At these early stages of his career, he has also made numerous appearances with The Tallis Scholars (Director: Peter Phillips), The Sixteen (Director: Harry Christophers) and the Gothic Voices, before finally striking out on his own as a soloist in the early 1990's.
The Scottish tenor, Paul Agnew, read music as a Choral Scholar at Magdalen College, Oxford. After earning his degree, he became associated with the Consort of Musicke, and remained a member of this wonderful early music ensemble for many productive years. At these early stages of his career, he has also made numerous appearances with The Tallis Scholars (Director: Peter Phillips), The Sixteen (Director: Harry Christophers) and the Gothic Voices, before finally striking out on his own as a soloist in the early 1990's.



Johann Sebastian Bach

Johann Sebastian Bach was a German composer and musician of the Baroque period. He enriched established German styles through his skill in counterpoint, harmonic and motivic organisation, and the adaptation of rhythms, forms, and textures from abroad, particularly from Italy and France. Bach's compositions include the Brandenburg Concertos, the Goldberg Variations, the Mass in B minor, two Passions, and hundreds of cantatas. His music is revered for its technical command, artistic beauty, and intellectual depth.  Bach's abilities as an organist were highly respected during his lifetime, although he was not widely recognised as a great composer until a revival of interest in and performances of his music in the first half of the 19th century. He is now generally regarded as one of the greatest composers of all time.  

Johann Sebastian Bach was a German composer and musician of the Baroque period. He enriched established German styles through his skill in counterpoint, harmonic and motivic organisation, and the adaptation of rhythms, forms, and textures from abroad, particularly from Italy and France. Bach's compositions include the Brandenburg Concertos, the Goldberg Variations, the Mass in B minor, two Passions, and hundreds of cantatas. His music is revered for its technical command, artistic beauty, and intellectual depth.

Bach's abilities as an organist were highly respected during his lifetime, although he was not widely recognised as a great composer until a revival of interest in and performances of his music in the first half of the 19th century. He is now generally regarded as one of the greatest composers of all time.



Play album Play album
Disc #1
Christen, ätzet diesen Tag BWV 63: Chorus: Christen, ätzet diesen Tag
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Christen, ätzet diesen Tag BWV 63: Recitativo: o sel'ger Tag (Alto)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Christen, ätzet diesen Tag BWV 63: Aria: Gott, Du hast es wohl gefüget (Soprano, Bass)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Christen, ätzet diesen Tag BWV 63: Recitativo: So kehret sich nun heut das bange Leid (Tenor)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Christen, ätzet diesen Tag BWV 63: Duet: Ruft und fleht den Himmel an (Alto, Tenor)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Christen, ätzet diesen Tag BWV 63: Recitativo: Verdoppelt euch demnach, ihr heissen (Bass)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Christen, ätzet diesen Tag BWV 63: Chorus: Höchster, schau in Gnaden an
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Ach, ich sehe, itzt, da ich zur Hochzeit gehe BWV 162: Aria: Ach! ich sehe (Bass)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Ach, ich sehe, itzt, da ich zur Hochzeit gehe BWV 162: Recitative: O grosses Hochzeitfest (Tenor)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Ach, ich sehe, itzt, da ich zur Hochzeit gehe BWV 162: Aria: Jesu, Brunnquell aller Gnaden (Soprano)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Ach, ich sehe, itzt, da ich zur Hochzeit gehe BWV 162: Recitative: Mein Jesu (Alto)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Ach, ich sehe, itzt, da ich zur Hochzeit gehe BWV 162: Aria (Duet): In meinem Gott bin ich erfreut! (Alto, Tenor)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Ach, ich sehe, itzt, da ich zur Hochzeit gehe BWV 162: Chorale: Ach, ich habe schon erblicket
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Mein Gott, wie lang, ach lange BWV155: Recitative: Mein Gott, wie lang, ach lange? (Soprano)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Mein Gott, wie lang, ach lange BWV155: Aria: Du musst glauben, du musst hoffen (Duet: Alto, Tenor)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Mein Gott, wie lang, ach lange BWV155: Recitative: So sei, o Seele, sei zufrieden! (Bass)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Mein Gott, wie lang, ach lange BWV155: Aria: Wirf mein Herze, wirf dich noch (Soprano)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Mein Gott, wie lang, ach lange BWV155: Chorale: Ob sichs anliess, als wollt er nicht
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Christen, ätzet Diezen Tag (Appendix) BWV 63: Duet: Christen, ätzet diesen Tag (Soprano, Bass)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Ach, ich sehe, itzt, da ich zur Hochzeit gehe (Appendix) BWV 162: Aria: Ach, ich sehe, itzt, da ich zur Hochzeit gehe (Bass)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Ach, ich sehe, itzt, da ich zur Hochzeit gehe (Appendix) BWV 162: Chorus: Ach, ich habe schon erblicket
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra

Disc #2
Jesus nahm zu sich die Zwölf BWV 22: Aria: Jesus nahm zu sich die Zwölfe (Tenor, Bass, Chorus)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Jesus nahm zu sich die Zwölf BWV 22: Aria: Mein Jesu, ziehe mich nach dir (Alto)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Jesus nahm zu sich die Zwölf BWV 22: Recitative: Mein Jesu, ziehe mich nach dir (Bass)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Jesus nahm zu sich die Zwölf BWV 22: Aria: Mein alles in allem, mein ewiges Gut (Tenor)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Jesus nahm zu sich die Zwölf BWV 22: Ertot uns durch dein Güte (Chorus)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Du wahrer Gott und Davids Sohn BWV 23: Duet: Du wahrer Gott und Davids Sohn (Soprano, Alto)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Du wahrer Gott und Davids Sohn BWV 23: Recitative: Ach! Gehe nicht vorüber (Tenor)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Du wahrer Gott und Davids Sohn BWV 23: Aller Augen warten, Herr (Chorus)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Du wahrer Gott und Davids Sohn BWV 23: Chorale: Christe, du Lamm Gottes
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Nur Jedem das Seine BWV 163: Aria: Nur jedem das Seine! (Tenor)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Nur Jedem das Seine BWV 163: Recitative: Du bist, mein Gott (Bass)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Nur Jedem das Seine BWV 163: Aria: Lass mein Herz die Münze sein (Bass)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Nur Jedem das Seine BWV 163: Recitative duet: Ich wollte dir (Soprano, Alto)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Nur Jedem das Seine BWV 163: Duet Aria : Nimm mich mir und gib mich dir! (Soprano, Alto)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Nur Jedem das Seine BWV 163: Chorale: Führ auch mein Herz und Sinn
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
O heiiges Geist- und Wasserbad BWV 165: Aria: O heiliges Geist (Soprano)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
O heiiges Geist- und Wasserbad BWV 165: Recitative: Die sündige Geburt verdammter Adams Erben (Bass)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
O heiiges Geist- und Wasserbad BWV 165: Aria: Jesu, der aus grosser Liebe (Alto)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
O heiiges Geist- und Wasserbad BWV 165: Recitative: Ich habe ja (Bass)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
O heiiges Geist- und Wasserbad BWV 165: Aria: Jesu, meines Todes Tod (Tenor)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
O heiiges Geist- und Wasserbad BWV 165: Chorale: Sein Wort, sein Tauf, sein Nachtmahl
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra

Disc #3
Widerstehe doch der Sünde BWV 54: Aria: Widerstehe doch der Sünde (Alto)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Widerstehe doch der Sünde BWV 54: Recitative: Die Art verruchter Sünden (Alto)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Widerstehe doch der Sünde BWV 54: Aria: Wer Sünde tut, der ist vom Teufel (Alto)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Komm, du süsse Todesstunde BWV 161: Aria with Chorale: Komm, du susse Todesstunde (Alto)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Komm, du süsse Todesstunde BWV 161: Recitative: Welt, deine Lust ist Last (Tenor)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Komm, du süsse Todesstunde BWV 161: Aria: Mein Verlangen (Tenor)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Komm, du süsse Todesstunde BWV 161: Recitative: Der Schluss ist schon gemacht (Alto)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Komm, du süsse Todesstunde BWV 161: Wenn es meines Gottes Wille (Chorus)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Komm, du süsse Todesstunde BWV 161: Chorale: Der Leib zwar in der Erden
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Was mir behagt, ist nur die muntre Jagd BWV 208: Recitative: Was mir behagt, ist nur die muntre Jagd! (Soprano)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Was mir behagt, ist nur die muntre Jagd BWV 208: Aria: Jagen ist die Lust der Götter (Soprano)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Was mir behagt, ist nur die muntre Jagd BWV 208: Recitative: Wie? Schönste Göttin! Wie? (Tenor)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Was mir behagt, ist nur die muntre Jagd BWV 208: Aria: Willst du dich nicht mehr ergötzen (Tenor)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Was mir behagt, ist nur die muntre Jagd BWV 208: Recitative: Ich liebe dich zwar noch! (Soprano, Tenor)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Was mir behagt, ist nur die muntre Jagd BWV 208: Recitative: Ich, der ich sonst ein Gott in diesen Feldern bin (Bass)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Was mir behagt, ist nur die muntre Jagd BWV 208: Aria: Ein Fürst ist seines Landes Pan! (Bass)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Was mir behagt, ist nur die muntre Jagd BWV 208: Recitative: Soll denn der Pales Opfer hier das letzte sein? (Soprano)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Was mir behagt, ist nur die muntre Jagd BWV 208: Aria: Schafe können sicher weiden (Soprano)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Was mir behagt, ist nur die muntre Jagd BWV 208: Recitative: So stimmt mit ein (Soprano)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Was mir behagt, ist nur die muntre Jagd BWV 208: Lebe, Sonne dieser Erden (Chorus)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Was mir behagt, ist nur die muntre Jagd BWV 208: Duet: Entzücket uns beide (Soprano, Tenor)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Was mir behagt, ist nur die muntre Jagd BWV 208: Aria: Weil die wollenreichen Herden (Soprano)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Was mir behagt, ist nur die muntre Jagd BWV 208: Aria: Ihr Felder und Auen, lasst grunend euch schauen (Bass)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Was mir behagt, ist nur die muntre Jagd BWV 208: Ihr lieblichste Blicke! ihr freudige Stunden (Chorus)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Choir, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
show all tracks

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