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Der Liedler

Robert Holl / Rudolf Jansen

Der Liedler

Format: CD
Label: Challenge Classics
UPC: 0608917204223
Catnr: CC 72042
Release date: 01 January 2001
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1 CD
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Challenge Classics
Catalogue number
CC 72042
Release date
01 January 2001
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About the album

Melancholy, alienation and masochistic death-longing are the keynotes of this recital, built around settings of poems by members of Schubert’s own circle. At the centre is the ballad ‘Der Liedler’, a naive tale of chivalrous derring-do, melodramatic and fussily episodic yet redeemed by the young Schubert’s harmonic boldness and lyrical tenderness. Schubert was 18 years when old he wrote this song with a text of his schoolmate Franz Kenner. A 'Liedler' is een wandering singer who is not able to marry his beloved because of his low social class. The singer went abroad to become a soldier. At his return his beloved seems to have a love affair with someone else. When the wedding carriage is attacked by a werewolf, the Liedler can save his beloved by hitting the horrible animal with his harp. Unfortunately he loses his life, because he falls together with the werewolf in a ravine. This ballad which has a duration of about 15 minutes is a favourite of Robert Holl, who sang it at several recitals. Besides this song you can listen to famous songs like 'Am Bach in Frühlinge', 'Viola', 'Der Jüngling und der Tod and 'An die Musik'.

Op 18 jarige leeftijd schreef Schubert een lied op de tekst "Der Liedler" van zijn schoolkameraad Franz Kenner. De "Liedler" (een term die in geen enkel woordenboek voorkomt) blijkt een rondtrekkende zanger te zijn, die vanwege zijn lage sociale status geen uitzicht heeft op een huwelijk met zijn geliefde. De zanger vertrekt naar het buitenland om soldaat te worden. Bij zijn terugkomst blijkt zijn geliefde van een ander te houden. Wanneer de bruidskoets echter wordt aangevallen door een weerwolf, weet de "Liedler" zijn geliefde te redden door het akelige beest een mep te verkopen met zijn harp. Deze actie kost hem echter het leven, omdat hij samen met de weerwolf in een ravijn stort. Hoewel we ons over het literaire gehalte van de tekst dus geen illusies hoeven te maken, heeft deze tekst toch een bepaalde melancholie, die door Schubert treffend in muziek is omgezet. Deze ballade (met een lengte van zo'n 15 minuten) is dan ook een favoriet van Robert Holl, die het lied op diverse recitals heeft gezongen. "Der Liedler" is ook de titel van een cd van Robert Holl met liederen van Schubert, waaronder "Am Bach in Frühlinge", "Viola", "Der Jüngling und der Tod" en "An die Musik". Over een eerder verschenen Schubert-recital van Robert Holl, "Schubert im Freundenkreis", schreef Maarten 't Hart in Luister: "Wat een durf om een dergelijke opname te maken! Beperk je je tot twee, drie liederen per luistersessie dan blijkt dit een van de opmerkelijkste Schubert-opnamen te zijn die ik in de laatste tijd ben tegengekomen". (H.J.)



Robert Holl

After having studied with JanVeth and David Hollestelle, the Rotterdam-born bass-baritone Robert Holl won the first prize at the international singing contest in ’s-Hertogenbosch in 1971.Then he studied with Hans Hotter in München and in 1972 he won the ARD contest. From 1973 to 1975 he was a member of the Bavarian State Opera in München.After a period of intensive concert activities the artist regained his interest in opera productions and he was a guest at the Viennese State Opera, the Brussels Opera and the Zürich Opera House, where he sang parts like Speaker and Sarastro (Die Zauberflöte), Gremin (Eugen Onegin), Basilio (Il Barbiere di Siviglia), La Roche (Capriccio), Assur (Semiramide), Alfonso (Così fan tutte), Amfortas (Parsifal) and Robert (Schubert’s Des Teufels Lustschloß). In the summer of 1996 Robert...
After having studied with JanVeth and David Hollestelle, the Rotterdam-born bass-baritone Robert Holl won the first prize at the international singing contest in ’s-Hertogenbosch in 1971.Then he studied with Hans Hotter in München and in 1972 he won the ARD contest.
From 1973 to 1975 he was a member of the Bavarian State Opera in München.After a period of intensive concert activities the artist regained his interest in opera productions and he was a guest at the Viennese State Opera, the Brussels Opera and the Zürich Opera House, where he sang parts like Speaker and Sarastro (Die Zauberflöte), Gremin (Eugen Onegin), Basilio (Il Barbiere di Siviglia), La Roche (Capriccio), Assur (Semiramide), Alfonso (Così fan tutte), Amfortas (Parsifal) and Robert (Schubert’s Des Teufels Lustschloß).
In the summer of 1996 Robert Holl made his debut at the Bayreuther Festspielen, as Hans Sachs in Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg. He has worked with famous conductors, like Abbado, Barenboim, Bernstein, Chailly, Frühbeck de Burgos, Giulini, Haitink, Harnoncourt, Jochum, Karajan, Leinsdorf, Prêtre and Stein, as well as with almost all the great orchestras of Europe and the US. He was also active as a singer of lieder (the emphasis on German and Russian repertoire), with partners like Rudolf Jansen, Oleg Maisenberg and András Schiff.
Lieder nights often lead the musician to the great music centres of Europe, as well as Israel and the United States. Robert Holl is a regular guest at great international festivals in Europe. On the invitation of Svatoslav Richter he took part in the ‘Moskovian Winters’ and the festival of Tours several times.
He leads various masterclasses and has made numerous television and gramaphone recor- dings with famous conductors. Some of his own compositions (lieder and works for piano) have been recorded on CD. Robert Holl is the artistic leader of the Schubertiaden in the Netherlands and Austria, as well as of the ‘Week of Romantic Music’, which has been held at Grafenegg Castle every two years since 1986.
Because of great merit for the Austrian music life Robert Holl was awarded by the Austrian Gouvernment in October 1990 the honorary title of ‘Wiener Kammersänger’. In 1997 he became honorary member of the Company of Music Friends in Vienna.


Franz Schubert

Franz Peter Schubert was an Austrian composer. Schubert already died before his 32nd birthday, but was extremely prolific during his lifetime. His output consists of over six hundred secular vocal works (mainly Lieder), seven complete symphonies, sacred music, operas, incidental music and a large body of chamber and piano music. Appreciation of his music while he was alive was limited to a relatively small circle of admirers in Vienna, but interest in his work increased significantly in the decades following his death. Felix Mendelssohn, Robert Schumann, Franz Liszt, Johannes Brahms and other 19th-century composers discovered and championed his works. Today, Schubert is ranked among the greatest composers of the late Classical and early Romantic eras and is one of the...
Franz Peter Schubert was an Austrian composer. Schubert already died before his 32nd birthday, but was extremely prolific during his lifetime. His output consists of over six hundred secular vocal works (mainly Lieder), seven complete symphonies, sacred music, operas, incidental music and a large body of chamber and piano music. Appreciation of his music while he was alive was limited to a relatively small circle of admirers in Vienna, but interest in his work increased significantly in the decades following his death. Felix Mendelssohn, Robert Schumann, Franz Liszt, Johannes Brahms and other 19th-century composers discovered and championed his works. Today, Schubert is ranked among the greatest composers of the late Classical and early Romantic eras and is one of the most frequently performed composers of the early nineteenth century.
It was in the genre of the Lied that Schubert made his most indelible mark. Prior to Schubert's influence, Lieder tended toward a strophic, syllabic treatment of text, evoking the folksong qualities engendered by the stirrings of Romantic nationalism. Schubert expanded the potentialities of the genre like no other composer before.



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