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"To me, the greatest pleasure of writing is not what it's about, but the music the words make." - Truman Capote


In 2017 DogOn launched its brand new groove-jazz-spaceship; the Swiss trio around guitarist Eric Hunziker is navigating the spheres of jazz, funk and "open space".
Rock-meteor showers alternate with delicately improvised stardust-molecules, mysterious sound-nebulae swirl above funky grooves and the landing evokes sprinkles of earthy dub.  Exploring the depth of Hunzikers compostions, the trio incorporated spontaneously evolving grooves – until the repertoire was ready to enthuse the Swiss jazz-club crowd. After the release of their debut album in January 2017, the DogOn space ship landed on Tours in Switzerland, Germany, Russia and Lithuania. Leader Eric Hunziker has made a name for himself both as an in-demand sideman with countless Swiss acts (Peter’s Playstation, Lobith, Fearless Five and numourous others) and as the instigator of his own various projects, Thomas Tavano (b) and Tobias Hunziker (dr.) are sought after musicians of the Swiss music scene as well. On the new album Floater, the Band is exploring new kind of compositions, but also  play their proven mixture of the sound that they call "Groove-Jazz“:  hot drum beats, great guitar riffs, and breathtaking basslines.
Eric Hunziker, guitar Thomas Tavano, Bass, Tobias Hunziker, Drums

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