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Reto Suhner / Fabian M. Mueller


Price: € 13.95
Format: CD
Label: Between The Lines
UPC: 0608917124026
Catnr: BTLCHR 71240
Release date: 24 October 2014
1 CD
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€ 13.95
Between The Lines
Catalogue number
BTLCHR 71240
Release date
24 October 2014

"Both move through the space of sound with masterful certainty and the economy of skills. A masterclass of improvisation!"

Jazzthing, 27-10-2014

About the album

Two people, two instruments. Sound aesthetics developed jointly over the years. Dialogs with depth, improvisations with strong melodies and breathtaking building up of tension. What Reto Suhner and Fabian M. Mueller develop in free communication is of ecstatic beauty. They find hidden paths with uncanny instinct through the jungle of improvisation, feel their way playfully through harmonic sequences and even make discoveries in minimalistic or noisy passages. This common base has developed over many years, and the time has finally come to document this extremely fruitful duet work. In their respective working bands (Reto Suhner Quartett and FM Trio) of many years, both dedicate themselves to the limits of the composed and the improvised. As a duet, they go into a free fall of inspiration and impulses of the moment. That could end with a hard landing, but not with Mueller and Suhner. Their playing is not without prerequisites, but instead is based on solid training, mature playing technique, years of playing in practice and a generous dose of curiosity. As a result, the music grows wings and the free fall ends in blissful floating.

Reto Suhner (born in 1974) lives in Zurich, and he supplemented his studies with workshops, e.g., held by Jerry Bergonzi and Art Lande, and his many years of living in New York with private lessons, e.g., given by Dick Oatts. His "Reto Suhner Quartett" just celebrated its 15th anniversary. He has also played in other groups for years such as the Zurich Jazz Orchestra and the Swiss Jazz Orchestra. Christoph Merki once wrote in the "Tagesanzeiger" that "Lightness, softness and sensitivity meet in Suhner." He is certainly right.

The Bern-based pianist Fabian M. Mueller (born 1983 in St. Gallen) has not only won many prizes and is a successful band leader (FM Trio), but is also active with various ensembles (Augur Ensemble, Apart Of) on numerous European stages and many CDs. He is distinguished by his extremely imaginative playing, which repeatedly explores boundaries. He is a great composer at the same time. "Rhythmically advanced sounds with powerful effects, energetic clusters, fidgety dance figures, completely transparent melodies and muscular, rolling bass now and then with a touch of Africa seem to flow from Mueller's fingers more or less in passing." (Jazz thing)
Zwei Menschen, zwei Instrumente. Eine über Jahre entwickelte, gemeinsame Klangästhetik. Dialoge mit Tiefgang, Improvisationen mit starken Melodien, und ein überwältigender Spannungsaufbau. Was Reto Suhner und Fabian M. Mueller in der freien Kommunikation entwickeln, ist von einer rauschhaften Schönheit. Traumwandlerisch sicher finden sie die versteckten Pfade durch den Dschungel der Improvisation, ertasten spielerisch die harmonischen Abläufe und finden sich auch in minimalistischen oder geräuschhaften Passagen. Über viele Jahre hat sich diese gemeinsame Basis entwickelt, nun wurde es einfach Zeit, diese so fruchtbare Duo-Arbeit zu dokumentieren. In ihren jeweiligen langjährigen Working Bands (Reto Suhner Quartett und FM Trio) widmen sich beide den Grenzbereichen des Geschriebenen und Improvisierten. Im Duo begeben sie sich in den freien Fall, in die Inspirationen und Eingebungen des Moments. Das könnte mit einem harten Aufprall enden – nicht aber bei Mueller und Suhner: ihr Spiel ist natürlich nicht voraussetzungslos, sondern basiert auf solider Ausbildung, ausgereifter Spieltechnik, jahrelanger Praxis und üppig vorhandener Neugierde. So wächst der Musik Flügel, und der freie Fall endet in einem selig machenden Dahinschweben.

Reto Suhner (Jahrgang 1974) lebt in Zürich, seine Ausbildung ergänzte er durch Workshops z.B. bei Jerry Bergonzi oder Art Lande und durch einen längeren New York-Aufenthalt mit Privatunterricht z.B. bei Dick Oatts. Sein „Reto Suhner Quartett“ feierte soeben das 15-jährige Bestehen, in weiteren Formationen spielt er ebenso seit Jahren, wie im Zürich Jazz Orchestra und im Swiss Jazz Orchestra. „Bei Suhner treffen sich Leichtigkeit, Sanftheit und Sensibilität“ schrieb einst Christoph Merki im „Tagesanzeiger“. Recht hat er.

Der Berner Pianist Fabian M. Mueller (geb. 1983 in St. Gallen) ist nicht nur vielfacher Preisträger und erfolgreicher Bandleader (FM Trio), sondern auch mit verschiedenen Ensembles (Augur Ensemble, Apart Of) auf zahlreichen Bühnen Europas und vielen CDs präsent. Er zeichnet sich durch sein extrem fantasievolles Spiel aus, das immer wieder Grenzen auslotet. Gleichzeitig ist er auch ein hervorragender Komponist. „Rhythmisch avancierte Töne mit kräftiger Raumwirkung, energische Cluster, hibbelige Tanzfiguren, ganz transparente Melodien und hin und wieder ein muskulös rollender Bass mit einem Hauch Afrike scheinen Mueller quasi en passant aus den Fingern zu laufen.“ (Jazz thing)


Reto Suhner

Reto Suhner (born in 1974) lives in Zurich, and he supplemented his studies with workshops, e.g., held by Jerry Bergonzi and Art Lande, and his many years of living in New York with private lessons, e.g., given by Dick Oatts. His 'Reto Suhner Quartett' just celebrated its 15th anniversary. He has also played in other groups for years such as the Zurich Jazz Orchestra and the Swiss Jazz Orchestra. Christoph Merki once wrote in the 'Tagesanzeiger' that 'Lightness, softness and sensitivity meet in Suhner.' He is certainly right.
Reto Suhner (born in 1974) lives in Zurich, and he supplemented his studies with workshops, e.g., held by Jerry Bergonzi and Art Lande, and his many years of living in New York with private lessons, e.g., given by Dick Oatts. His "Reto Suhner Quartett" just celebrated its 15th anniversary. He has also played in other groups for years such as the Zurich Jazz Orchestra and the Swiss Jazz Orchestra. Christoph Merki once wrote in the "Tagesanzeiger" that "Lightness, softness and sensitivity meet in Suhner." He is certainly right.


Fabian Müller

The Bern-based pianist Fabian M. Mueller (born 1983 in St. Gallen) has not only won many prizes and is a successful band leader (FM Trio), but is also active with various ensembles (Augur Ensemble, Apart Of) on numerous European stages and many CDs. He is distinguished by his extremely imaginative playing, which repeatedly explores boundaries. He is a great composer at the same time. 'Rhythmically advanced sounds with powerful effects, energetic clusters, fidgety dance figures, completely transparent melodies and muscular, rolling bass now and then with a touch of Africa seem to flow from Mueller's fingers more or less in passing.' (Jazz thing)
The Bern-based pianist Fabian M. Mueller (born 1983 in St. Gallen) has not only won many prizes and is a successful band leader (FM Trio), but is also active with various ensembles (Augur Ensemble, Apart Of) on numerous European stages and many CDs. He is distinguished by his extremely imaginative playing, which repeatedly explores boundaries. He is a great composer at the same time. "Rhythmically advanced sounds with powerful effects, energetic clusters, fidgety dance figures, completely transparent melodies and muscular, rolling bass now and then with a touch of Africa seem to flow from Mueller's fingers more or less in passing." (Jazz thing)



Both move through the space of sound with masterful certainty and the economy of skills. A masterclass of improvisation!
Jazzthing, 27-10-2014

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