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Thomas Rückert Trio


Price: € 8.95
Format: CD
Label: Double Moon Records
UPC: 0608917112221
Catnr: DMCHR 71122
Release date: 07 June 2013
1 CD
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€ 8.95
Double Moon Records
Catalogue number
DMCHR 71122
Release date
07 June 2013

""A CD with all 'ballads' which form a balanced unit"", 09-9-2013

About the album

"Don't play what you know": this guiding principle by Lee Konitz is manifested clearly and comprehensively in the playing of the Thomas Rückert Trio – Thomas Rückert (p), Reza Askari (b) and Fabian Arends (dr).
Individual notes peel off as if from a void, as times whirring and barely perceptible, then solidly anchored, but never overbearing. Accords sparingly woven in support the intimate, fragile melodies that flow from Thomas Rückert's fingers and take listeners into evocative landscapes of sound. Reza Askari's wood-warm double bass accompanies, joins into the melody in masterly way, corresponds with it and prances around it. The whole is based on the sensitive rhythmic background provided by Fabian Arends. In the same way as his trio companions, he knows how to create enthusiasm with his refined playing. The brushes rustle on the snare drum in all possible variations, the cymbals sparkle and radiate finesse with their daring rhythms, and the bass drum is also permitted to set an accent here and there. The way that he brings that into the playing characterized by strong communication and interaction is really impressive. Ballad-like chamber music jazz with strong European characteristics – romantic, full of melancholy and sensuality. The recordings range from a trio improvisation to individual compositions of the band members and all the way to pieces by Denny Zeitlin, Bill Evans and Skrjabin. What they make of known standards such as Harold Arlen's classic" "My Shining Hour" and Frederick Loewe's "I've Grown Accustomed To Her Face" is unusual and exciting. This is a trio with clearly noticeable individual characteristics, which goes its way and does justice to its lofty goals. The sound was recorded very realistically by the sound master Christian Heck in Cologne in January 2013. It is a feast for lovers of sounds, expansive and full of depth.
„Don´t play what you know - spiele nicht was Du schon kennst“ – dieser Leitsatz von Lee Konitz manifestiert sich deutlich und voller Nachhaltigkeit im Spiel des Thomas Rückert Trios – Thomas Rückert(p), Reza Askari(b), Fabian Arends(dr).
Wie aus dem Nichts schälen sich einzelne Noten, mal flirrend und kaum greifbar, dann wieder fest verankert, doch nie wuchtig. Sparsam eingeflochtene Akkorde unterstützen die intimen, fragilen Melodien, die aus Thomas Rückerts Fingern fließen, lassen den Hörer in stimmungsvolle Klanglandschaften eintauchen. Reza Askaris holzig-warmer Kontrabass begleitet, steigt meisterhaft in die Melodieführung ein, korrespondiert mit dieser und umspielt sie tänzelnd. Das ganze ruht auf dem gefühlvollen Rhythmus-Teppich Fabian Arends. Dieser versteht es ebenso wie seine Trio-Gefährten, mit filigranem Spiel zu begeistern. Da rauschen die Besen auf der Snare-Drum in allen möglichen Variationen, glänzen finessenreich die Becken rhythmisch-verwegen bis strahlend, und hier und da darf auch mal die Bass-Drum einen Akzent setzen. Beeindruckend, wie er sich in das freie, von starker Kommunikation und Interaktion geprägte Spiel einbringt. Balladesker, kammermusikalischer Jazz, stark europäischer Prägung - romantisch, voller Melancholie und Sinnlichkeit. Das Programm reicht von einer Trio-Improvisation über einzelne Kompositionen der Bandmitglieder bis hin zu Stücken von Denny Zeitlin, Bill Evans, Skrjabin. Und es ist ungwöhnlich und spannend, was sie aus bekannten Standards wie Harold Arlens Klassiker „My Shining Hour“ und Frederick Loewes „I've Grown Accustomed To Her Face“ machen. Ein Trio mit deutlich spürbarer individueller Prägung, das seinen eigenen Weg geht und den hoch gesteckten Zielen gerecht wird. Klanglich wurde das ganze äußerst realistisch von Tonmeister Christian Heck im Januar 2013 in Köln aufgenommen. Ein audiophiler Ohrenschmaus voller Raum und Tiefe.

Der Jazzpianist Thomas Rückert , 1970 in Würzburg geboren, stammt aus einem musikalischen Elternhaus. Klavierunterricht erhielt er bereits im Alter von 7 Jahren. 1990 begann er mit dem Studium an der Musikhochschule Köln bei Rainer Brüninghaus und John Taylor, das er mit dem Aufbaustudiums „Konzertexamen“ zum Abschluss brachte. 1999 lebte er als Freelance-Musiker in New York. Wichtig war für ihn die Zusammenarbeit mit Lee Konitz, er arbeitete darüber hinaus mit zahlreichen anderen Musikern und Bands zusammen wie Mark Johnson, Greg Hutchinson, Kevin Mahogany, Randy Brecker, Adam Nussbaum und Ack van Rooyen.
Reza Askari, geboren 1986 in Fulda, erhielt Unterricht bei Dave King und Decebal Badila. 2006 begann er sein Musikstudium mit der Fachrichtung Jazz E-Bass an der Hochschule in Köln. Seit 2008 studierte er zusätzlich Kontrabass, und schloss mit Auszeichnung 2012 ab. Trotz seiner Jugend kann er bereits auf eine beeindruckende „played with“-Liste verweisen: u.a. Marc Ducret, Benny Golson, Jeff Hamilton, Peter Herbolzheimer und Clueso.
Der in Köln lebende Schlagzeuger Fabian Arends (22) hat sich in kurzer Zeit einen Namen in der Kölner Jazzszene gemacht. So ist er unter anderem regelmäßig zu hören mit dem Hubert Nuss Trio, mit Ingmar Heller/John Goldsby oder dem Überraschungstrio von Simon Seidl.


Thomas Rückert

Thomas Rückert began to study at Cologne Music College under Rainer Brüninghaus and John Taylor in 1990. In 1999, he traveled to New York for the first time where his brother, the drummer Jochen Rückert, had already lived since 1995. Thomas found the stay in the metropolis of jazz to be inspiring and moving. In addition to working with Marc Johnson, Greg Hutchinson, Donny McCathlin, Greetje Kauffeld, Mark Murphy, Kevin Mahogany, Tony Lakatos, Randy Brecker, Adam Nussbaum, Ack van Royen, Jay Anderson and John Goldsby, collaboration above all with Lee Konitz was ground-breaking for him. The pianist internalized his advice 'Donʼt play what you know' audibly.
Thomas Rückert began to study at Cologne Music College under Rainer Brüninghaus and John Taylor in 1990. In 1999, he traveled to New York for the first time where his brother, the drummer Jochen Rückert, had already lived since 1995. Thomas found the stay in the metropolis of jazz to be inspiring and moving. In addition to working with Marc Johnson, Greg Hutchinson, Donny McCathlin, Greetje Kauffeld, Mark Murphy, Kevin Mahogany, Tony Lakatos, Randy Brecker, Adam Nussbaum, Ack van Royen, Jay Anderson and John Goldsby, collaboration above all with Lee Konitz was ground-breaking for him. The pianist internalized his advice "Donʼt play what you know" audibly.


Reza Askari

Reza Askari is regarded as one of the most promising German talents on contrabass. Born in Fulda in 1986, Askari first played the electric bass and then switched to contrabass later. He is currently studying at the Folkwang University of Essen under Robert Landfermann in the degree program Master Of Improvising Arts. Despite his young age, he has already played with big names such as Marc Ducret, Jiggs Wigham, Herb Geller, Benny Golson, Jeff Hamilton, Nicolas Simion, Florian Ross, Frederik Köster and Pablo Held.
Reza Askari is regarded as one of the most promising German talents on contrabass. Born in Fulda in 1986, Askari first played the electric bass and then switched to contrabass later. He is currently studying at the Folkwang University of Essen under Robert Landfermann in the degree program Master Of Improvising Arts. Despite his young age, he has already played with big names such as Marc Ducret, Jiggs Wigham, Herb Geller, Benny Golson, Jeff Hamilton, Nicolas Simion, Florian Ross, Frederik Köster and Pablo Held.


Fabian Arends

Many like to call Fabian Arends a shooting star on drums in the jazz metropolis of Cologne, which is certainly not lacking in up-coming, talented musicians. However, the 25-year-old distinguishes himself not only as highly sensitive sound designer on his percussion instruments, but also cuts a respectable figure as a composer, arranger and bandleader.
Many like to call Fabian Arends a shooting star on drums in the jazz metropolis of Cologne, which is certainly not lacking in up-coming, talented musicians. However, the 25-year-old distinguishes himself not only as highly sensitive sound designer on his percussion instruments, but also cuts a respectable figure as a composer, arranger and bandleader.



Thomas Rückert

Thomas Rückert began to study at Cologne Music College under Rainer Brüninghaus and John Taylor in 1990. In 1999, he traveled to New York for the first time where his brother, the drummer Jochen Rückert, had already lived since 1995. Thomas found the stay in the metropolis of jazz to be inspiring and moving. In addition to working with Marc Johnson, Greg Hutchinson, Donny McCathlin, Greetje Kauffeld, Mark Murphy, Kevin Mahogany, Tony Lakatos, Randy Brecker, Adam Nussbaum, Ack van Royen, Jay Anderson and John Goldsby, collaboration above all with Lee Konitz was ground-breaking for him. The pianist internalized his advice 'Donʼt play what you know' audibly.
Thomas Rückert began to study at Cologne Music College under Rainer Brüninghaus and John Taylor in 1990. In 1999, he traveled to New York for the first time where his brother, the drummer Jochen Rückert, had already lived since 1995. Thomas found the stay in the metropolis of jazz to be inspiring and moving. In addition to working with Marc Johnson, Greg Hutchinson, Donny McCathlin, Greetje Kauffeld, Mark Murphy, Kevin Mahogany, Tony Lakatos, Randy Brecker, Adam Nussbaum, Ack van Royen, Jay Anderson and John Goldsby, collaboration above all with Lee Konitz was ground-breaking for him. The pianist internalized his advice "Donʼt play what you know" audibly.



"A CD with all 'ballads' which form a balanced unit", 09-9-2013

The varieties of forms of expressions Rückert sets in this programme of original compositions and standards is fascinating.
Piano News, 01-9-2013

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