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Complete sonatas and works

Linus Roth / José Gallardo

Complete sonatas and works

Format: CD
Label: Challenge Classics
UPC: 0608917256727
Catnr: CC 72567
Release date: 24 March 2013
CD (3 items)
Challenge Classics
Catalogue number
CC 72567
Release date
24 March 2013

""The German violinist Linus Roth and the Argentine pianist José Gallardo bring his complete works for violin and piano.""

Het Parool, 14-11-2015

About the album

A special project: Linus Roth and José Gallardo are the first to interpret Weinberg’s sonatas and works for violin and piano in a complete anthology!

Mieczysław Weinberg had an unbelievably tragic life, full of struggle and pain. As a Polish Jewish composer he flee from the Nazi regime to Russia, got imprisoned by Stalin and was saved at the last minute by his good friend and colleague Dmitri Shostakovich. He lost all his family members in concentration camps. Weinberg's compositions, often with a Jewish slant, were prohibited…

Noted German violinist Linus Roth and the Argentinean piano virtuoso José Gallardo feel a lot of compassion for this composer. It's all there in his beautiful and deeply emotional music where Weinberg put so much of his soul. As a great master of contrasts he goes from very dark, to very bright, from a fortissimo when you think the world breaks into pieces, to a pianissimo you can barely hear. In one bar there can be hope, and in the next bar: no hope!

Linus and José feel obliged and honored to be advocates for Weinberg because they think his music deserves it! Now it was time for them to record the "Complete Sonatas and Works" for violin and piano of Weinberg on a 3CD. This has never been done before! Weinberg’s repertoire has always been only partially performed and recorded, but never as complete collection. The Sonatas Nr. 2 and 6. are even never recorded before and the Rhapsody on Moldavian Themes is the only one available recording right now - it was once recorded around 40 years ago, but the vinyl is not available to buy any more.
Worstelingen met het Naziregime, hoorbaar in muziek
Dit album is een bijzonder project van violist Linus Roth en pianist José Gallardo. Het is een complete collectie van het repertoire van Mieczysław Weinberg. Dit is zeer uniek; hiervoor is zijn repertoire alleen maar gedeeltelijk uitgevoerd en opgenomen, nog nooit volledig. De opnames van de Sonates nummer 2 en 6 zijn een wereldpremière.

Weinberg leidde een tragisch leven vol strijd en pijn. Hij was een Pools-Joodse componist die naar Rusland moest vluchten voor het Naziregime. Hier werd hij gevangengenomen door Stalin en op het laatste moment gered door zijn goede vriend en collega Dmitri Shostakovich. Ondertussen waren al zijn familieleden omgekomen in concentratiekampen. Daarna werden veel van zijn composities verboden omdat ze een Joodse inslag hadden. Dit alles is voelbaar in zijn zeer emotionele muziek, waarin veel gebruik gemaakt wordt van contrasten. Van donkere tot lichte muziek, en van een fortissimo zo hard dat de wereld in stukken lijkt te breken, tot een pianissimo dat bijna onhoorbaar is. In de ene maat kan er hoop zijn, dat in de volgende maat verandert in wanhoop.
Die erste Gesamtaufnahme aller Werke für Violine und Klavier des sowjetischen-polnischen Komponisten Mieczysław Weinberg

„Ich bin ein Schüler Schostakowitschs. Auch wenn ich nie Unterricht von ihm genommen habe, so sehe ich mich doch als sein Schüler, mit Haut und Haar,“ liess der Komponist Mieczysław Weinberg über sich selber verlauten.

Die Beziehung zwischen beiden Komponisten war eng und von gegenseitigem Respekt gekennzeichnet. Weinbergs kritische Sichtweise, die in seiner Musik zum Tragen kommt, hält im Gegensatz zu Schostakowitsch doch auch eine Portion Humor bereit. In seinen ersten Violinsonaten stimmt er auch heitere Töne an und in diesen und vor allem der Rhapsodie über moldawische Themen lässt Weinberg der guten Laune ihren Lauf. Hinter dem Titel „moldawisch“ versteckte der längst politisch verfolgte Komponist jiddische Themen, die auch immer wieder in anderen seiner Werke eingearbeitet sind.

Seit 2006, als der Geiger Linus Roth den ECHO-Preis erhielt, wurde er vom "Geheimtipp" zum international anerkannten Star. Seine Karriere führte ihn auch zur Kammermusik, in der er unglaubliche Erfolge gemeinsam mit dem argentinischen Pianisten José Gallardo feiert.

Weltersteinspielung der Sonaten Nr. 2 & 6
Einzig verfügbare Aufnahme der "Rhapsody on Moldavian Themes"


Linus Roth (violin)

Linus Roth, who received the ECHO KLASSIK Award as 'Best Newcomer' 2006 for his début CD on the label EMI, was awarded his second ECHO award in 2017 for his recording of the violin concertos by Shostakovich and Tchaikovsky with the London Symphony Orchestra under Thomas Sanderling. Linus Roth has made a name for himself internationally, not just with his acclaimed work in core repertoire, but also with his discovery / rediscovery of works that have undeservedly fallen into oblivion. He has devoted special attention to the works of Mieczysław Weinberg, both on the concert platform and the recording studio. Roth's recording of the complete works for violin and piano by Mieczysław Weinberg, released in 2013 by Challenge Classics to wide...

Linus Roth, who received the ECHO KLASSIK Award as 'Best Newcomer' 2006 for his début CD on the label EMI, was awarded his second ECHO award in 2017 for his recording of the violin concertos by Shostakovich and Tchaikovsky with the London Symphony Orchestra under Thomas Sanderling.
Linus Roth has made a name for himself internationally, not just with his acclaimed work in core repertoire, but also with his discovery / rediscovery of works that have undeservedly fallen into oblivion. He has devoted special attention to the works of Mieczysław Weinberg, both on the concert platform and the recording studio. Roth's recording of the complete works for violin and piano by Mieczysław Weinberg, released in 2013 by Challenge Classics to wide public and critical acclaim was followed up by recordings of Weinberg’s Violin Concerto with the Deutsche Symphonie-Orchester and his Concertino with the Württemberg Chamber Orchestra Heilbronn. Both CDs were selected as 'Editor’s Choice' by Gramophone magazine. Making Mieczysław Weinberg’s oeuvre known to a wider audience is also the aim of the International Weinberg Society, which Linus Roth founded in 2015. This association organises and sponsors concerts, readings, exhibitions, interdisciplinary events and publications on the work and life of the Polish-Jewish composer. For the 100th anniversary of Weinberg’s birth in 2019, Linus Roth will curate two days of events dedicated to the composer in the form of six concerts at Wigmore Hall in London. In addition to chamber music works, all of Weinberg’s six sonatas for violin and piano as well as the three sonatas for solo violin will be played, including by Linus Roth himself.
Linus Roth has played as a soloist with many leading orchestras including the Stuttgart State Opera Orchestra, the Munich Chamber Orchestra, the Württemberg Chamber Orchestra Heilbronn, the German Radio Symphony Orchestras of broadcasters SWR and Berlin, the Orquesta de Cordoba, the Orchestra della Toscana in Florence, the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, the Vienna Chamber Philharmonic, the Bern Symphony Orchestra, the Orchestra del Teatro San Carlo in Naples, the Cologne Chamber Orchestra and the Bruckner Orchester Linz. Conductors with whom Roth has worked include Gerd Albrecht, Frank Beermann, Herbert Blomstedt, Andrey Boreyko, Finnegan Downie Dear, Dennis Russell Davies, Kevin John Edusei, Dan Ettinger, James Gaffigan, Hartmut Haenchen, Domonkos Héja, Antony Hermus, Manfred Honeck, Kirill Karabits, Isaac Karabtchevsky, Mihkel Kütson, Leo McFall, Thomas Sanderling, Konstantin Trinks, and Antoni Wit.
A passionate chamber musician, he has performed fellow musicians such as Nicolas Altstaedt, Gautier Capuçon, Kim Kashkashian, Anne-Sophie Mutter, Albrecht Mayer, Nils Mönkemeyer, Andreas Ottensamer, Benjamin Schmid, Christian Poltéra, Julian Steckel, Markus Schirmer, Julien Quentin, Jens-Peter Maintz, Florian Uhlig, Itamar Golan and Danjulo Ishizaka, among others. He has also worked closely for several years with the Argentinean pianist José Gallardo.
Linus Roth attended the preparatory class of Prof. Nicolas Chumachenco at the Musikhochschule in Freiburg, Germany, before going on to study with Prof. Zakhar Bron. Subsequently, he pursued his studies for several years with Prof. Ana Chumachenco at the Universities of Music in Zurich and Munich. Salvatore Accardo, Miriam Fried and Josef Rissin have also been important influences on him. During his studies, Linus Roth held a scholarship from the Anne-Sophie Mutter Foundation.
In October 2012, Linus Roth was appointed Professor of Violin at the 'Leopold-Mozart-Zentrum' at Augsburg University and is also the artistic director of the Leopold Mozart International Violin Competition in Augsburg. In addition, Linus Roth is the Founder and Artistic Director of the International Festival Ibiza Concerts and from 2020 on of the music festival Schwäbischer Frühling in Ochsenhausen /Germany Linus Roth plays the Stradivarius violin 'Dancla' from 1703 on kind loan from the music foundation of the L-Bank Baden-Württemberg.
In his free time, Roth enjoys fitness sports of all kinds, travelling, eating out and loves boating around the Mediterranean. He has lived in Munich for many years.


José Gallardo (piano)

A native of Buenos Aires, Argentina, José Gallardo started piano lessons at the age of five, at first at the Conservatory in Buenos Aires. Later he continued his studies with Prof. Poldi Mildner in the Faculty of Music at the University of Mainz, completing his diploma in 1997. Even then he realised his first love would be for chamber music. His musical inspiration came from such artists as Menahem Pressler, Alfonso Montecino, Karl-Heinz Kämmerling, Sergiu Celibidache, Rosalyn Tureck and Bernard Greenhouse. José Gallardo has won many national and international awards. Invitations followed for numerous tours and festivals, including the Lockenhaus Chamber Music Festival, the Asiago Festival in Italy, the Ludwigsburg Palace Festival, the Schwetzingen Festival, the Kronberg Cello Festival, and the Rheingau...
A native of Buenos Aires, Argentina, José Gallardo started piano lessons at the age of five, at first at the Conservatory in Buenos Aires. Later he continued his studies with Prof. Poldi Mildner in the Faculty of Music at the University of Mainz, completing his diploma in 1997. Even then he realised his first love would be for chamber music.
His musical inspiration came from such artists as Menahem Pressler, Alfonso Montecino, Karl-Heinz Kämmerling, Sergiu Celibidache, Rosalyn Tureck and Bernard Greenhouse.
José Gallardo has won many national and international awards. Invitations followed for numerous tours and festivals, including the Lockenhaus Chamber Music Festival, the Asiago Festival in Italy, the Ludwigsburg Palace Festival, the Schwetzingen Festival, the Kronberg Cello Festival, and the Rheingau Music Festival.
He is very busy playing recitals and concerts, including chamber music appearances with other musicians in Europe, Asia, Israel, Oceania and South America, among them Alberto Lysy, Gidon Kremer, Chen Zimbalista, Julius Berger, Danjulo Ishizaka, Nicolas Altstaedt and many more. Concert halls he has played in include the Berlin Philharmonic Hall, the Zurich Tonhalle, the Hamburg Musikhalle, the Kurhaus Wiesbaden, Teatro della Pergola Florence and the Wigmore Hall London. From 1998 to 2008, he taught in the faculty of music at the University of Mainz; since autumn 2008, he has been teaching at the Leopold Mozart Zentrum in the University of Augsburg.



Mieczysław Weinberg

Mieczysław Weinberg was a Russian composer of Polish-Jewish origin. He studied piano at the Conservatory of Warsaw and was soon praised for his musical talent. When the Germans invaded Poland in 1939, Weinberg fled to Russia, first to Minsk and later to Tashkent, where he worked at the opera. There he also met Dmitri Shostakovich, who was impressed by his talent and would become an important influence on his music. Furthermore, he arranged an official invitation to Moscow for Weinberg, where he continued to stay for the rest of his life. Life under Stalin was not easy for a Jewish composer like Weinberg.  His works were not banned by the Soviet authorities, but they were not always well received. Moreover, he...
Mieczysław Weinberg was a Russian composer of Polish-Jewish origin. He studied piano at the Conservatory of Warsaw and was soon praised for his musical talent. When the Germans invaded Poland in 1939, Weinberg fled to Russia, first to Minsk and later to Tashkent, where he worked at the opera. There he also met Dmitri Shostakovich, who was impressed by his talent and would become an important influence on his music. Furthermore, he arranged an official invitation to Moscow for Weinberg, where he continued to stay for the rest of his life.
Life under Stalin was not easy for a Jewish composer like Weinberg. His works were not banned by the Soviet authorities, but they were not always well received. Moreover, he had to live in fear of being arrested, which happened to him in 1953. Shostakovich came to his rescue by proving his innocence in a letter to Lavrenti Beria, chief of the secret police. However, it was mainly due to Stalins death that Weinberg was saved.
After Stalins death, Weinberg continued to work on his extensive oeuvre, which consists of amongst others 26 symphonies, seventeen string quartets and more than 40 film scores. The majority of these works were performed by leading Russian musicians and orchestras. Thanks to the increasing amount of recordings, his works become more and more well-known outside of Russia.



"The German violinist Linus Roth and the Argentine pianist José Gallardo bring his complete works for violin and piano."
Het Parool, 14-11-2015

Not an easy listening experience by any means, but a profoundly moving one.
The Strad, 06-11-2013

Niet een positief recensie, 18-10-2013

Roth and Gallardo overwhelmed the audience.
Luister, 30-9-2013

It's definately worth listening
Fono Forum, 01-9-2013

no quote not positive 
Gramophone, 01-9-2013

The result is a dedicated hommage to Mieczyslaw Weinberg with technical and musical accomplishment.
Klassik Heute, 29-8-2013

"The intelligent interpretations and general accessibility of these works, is sure to win many new fans and admirers.", 27-8-2013

Roth and Gallardo control Weinberg lyricism and melancholy into the capillaries.
NRC Handelsblad, 08-8-2013

Artist of the month
L'Orfeo, 04-8-2013

Roth and Galardo play these compositions so striking, evident and  internalized that following artists will have to compete with this recording.
ensemble, 01-8-2013

Süddeutsche Zeitung, 28-5-2013

The performances of both artists are virtuosic and commendable, while the recording quality is generally excellent  
Lines that have escaped destruction, 04-4-2013

Altogether, then, these discs are remarkable. The performances of both artists are virtuosic and commendable, while the recording quality is generally excellent 
linesthathaveescapeddestruction, 04-4-2013

Linus Roth and José Gallardo perform Weinberg's music with verve, passion and enthusiasm.

Play album Play album
Disc #1
Sonata no. 5 op. 53 for violin and piano : Andante con moto
(Mieczyslaw Weinberg) José Gallardo, Linus Roth
Sonata no. 5 op. 53 for violin and piano : Allegro molto
(Mieczyslaw Weinberg) Linus Roth, José Gallardo
Sonata no. 5 op. 53 for violin and piano : Allegro moderato
(Mieczyslaw Weinberg) Linus Roth, José Gallardo
Sonata no. 5 op. 53 for violin and piano : Allegro - Andante - Allegro - Andante - Allegretto - Andante
(Mieczyslaw Weinberg) Linus Roth, José Gallardo
Sonata no. 4 op. 39 for violin and piano: Adagio
(Mieczyslaw Weinberg) Linus Roth, José Gallardo
Sonata no. 4 op. 39 for violin and piano: Allegro ma non troppo - Adagio tenuto molto rubato
(Mieczyslaw Weinberg) Linus Roth, José Gallardo
Sonata no. 4 op. 39 for violin and piano: Adagio primo
(Mieczyslaw Weinberg) Linus Roth, José Gallardo
Rhapsody on Moldavian Themes for violin and piano op. 47, no. 3: Adagio - Allegro vivace - Doppio più lento - Doppio movimento - Prestissimo
(Mieczyslaw Weinberg) Linus Roth, José Gallardo

Disc #2
Sonata no. 3 op. 37 for violin and piano: Allegro moderato
(Mieczyslaw Weinberg) Linus Roth, José Gallardo
Sonata no. 3 op. 37 for violin and piano: Andantino
(Mieczyslaw Weinberg) Linus Roth, José Gallardo
Sonata no. 3 op. 37 for violin and piano: Allegretto cantabile
(Mieczyslaw Weinberg) Linus Roth, José Gallardo
Sonatina op. 46 for violin and piano in D major: Allegretto
(Mieczyslaw Weinberg) Linus Roth, José Gallardo
Sonatina op. 46 for violin and piano in D major: Lento - Allegro - Tempo primo
(Mieczyslaw Weinberg) Linus Roth, José Gallardo
Sonatina op. 46 for violin and piano in D major: Allegro moderato - Lento
(Mieczyslaw Weinberg) Linus Roth, José Gallardo
Sonata no. 2 op. 15 for violin and piano: Allegro - Meno mosso
(Mieczyslaw Weinberg) Linus Roth, José Gallardo
Sonata no. 2 op. 15 for violin and piano: Lento
(Mieczyslaw Weinberg) Linus Roth, José Gallardo
Sonata no. 2 op. 15 for violin and piano: Allegro moderato -  Allegro con fuoco - Tempo primo
(Mieczyslaw Weinberg) Linus Roth, José Gallardo

Disc #3
Sonata no. 1 op. 12 for violin and piano: Allegro
(Mieczyslaw Weinberg) Linus Roth, José Gallardo
Sonata no. 1 op. 12 for violin and piano: Adagietto
(Mieczyslaw Weinberg) Linus Roth, José Gallardo
Sonata no. 1 op. 12 for violin and piano: Allegro -  Meno mosso
(Mieczyslaw Weinberg) Linus Roth, José Gallardo
Sonata no. 6 op. 136: Moderato
(Mieczyslaw Weinberg) Linus Roth, José Gallardo
Sonata no. 6 op. 136: Adagio
(Mieczyslaw Weinberg) Linus Roth, José Gallardo
Sonata no. 6 op. 136: Moderato - Adagio
(Mieczyslaw Weinberg) Linus Roth, José Gallardo
3 Pieces: Nokturn - Allegro
(Mieczyslaw Weinberg) Linus Roth, José Gallardo
3 Pieces: Scherzo - Moderato
(Mieczyslaw Weinberg) Linus Roth, José Gallardo
3 Pieces: Sen o Lalce - Moderato
(Mieczyslaw Weinberg) Linus Roth, José Gallardo
show all tracks

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